Family-to-Family State Trainer Reorientation

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Where’s my course? Update on NAMI Family-to-Family Leader Reorientation

The 2020 and the 2022 NAMI Family-to-Family Reorientation Powerpoint videos have been removed from our learning systems. Both are now accessible via NAMINet under the NAMI Family-to-Family Teacher link.The 2022 Trainer, Leader and Participant manuals replaced the 2020 version December 2022. It is highly recommended that all current NAMI Family-to-Family Leaders review the 2022 reorientation to familiarize themselves with the new manual layout.

For the Family-to-Family 2020 Program Leader Training
NAMI no longer requires the NAMI Family-to-Family pre-training module for new Program Leaders. Effective Friday, March 17, 2023 it is no longer available on our learning systems. There will not be a replacement for this pre-training at this time.Completing the pre-training modules is no longer a requirement to attend NAMI F2F state (Program Leader) trainings.